Melissa Rowell, LMHC
Understanding Childhood Depression: Common Signs Every Parent Should Know
Understanding childhood depression is crucial for all parents and guardians. With the rising prevalence of mental health concerns among...
Melissa Rowell, LMHC
Speak Up: Enhancing Your Voice and Assertiveness
In a world where voicing your thoughts and opinions is crucial, many individuals often struggle when it comes to speaking up. The fear of...
Melissa Rowell, LMHC
Small Gestures, Big Impact: Easy Ways for Busy Parents to Stay Connected
it's easy for busy parents to get caught up in their responsibilities, sometimes forgetting to show appreciation for each other. However,...

Melissa Rowell, LMHC
Understanding Cognitive Distortions: A Key to Managing Anxiety
In understanding anxiety management, the concept of cognitive distortions holds a significant place. These distortions are patterns of...